Entah harus bilang alhamdulillah atau terimakasih ya Allah (sama aja yak? Hehe) bahwa ternyata kuliah Keperawatan Gawat Darurat siang ini oleh seorang dosen senior DIBATALKAN alias GAGAL!
Usut punya usut ketika gerombolan si berat (aku, muti, indhit dan..... let say shiva (dia sebenernya gak berat, cuman keliatannya aja gede :P) berkonsultasi dengan dosen pembimbing riset kami tercinta, kami melihat sebuah peristiwa yang sanggggaaatttttt mengerikannnnn leBh4Y Abi3ZZz (baca dengan gaya alay sampek keselek)
Dosen KGD tersebut sedang mutab alias marah besar saat itu di lantai dua, tepat di depan Ruang Keperawatan Medikal Bedah (KMB). “Kok bisa ilang siihhh!!!” sambil berkacak pinggang. Beberapa orang yang kami identifikasi sebagai:
1. Receptionist Ruang KMB (sedang kebingungan ditanya2)
2. Kepala OB (sedang memarahi OB)
3. OB (sedang memarahi muti karena ngeliatin orang dimarahi (lhoh??!!!)
4. Muti : pelaku tambahan (sedang memarahi diri sendiri)
Ternyata telinga kami menangkap bahwasannya telah hilang SEBUAH AMPLOP COKELAT!!!
*Zoom in Zoom out! Oh tidaaakkkkk!!
Eh, ngomong-ngomong kami bukannya ngedengerin dosen merevisi riset malah menyelidiki apakah gerangan tersebut yang terjadi.
Usai konsul kami makan. Akhirnya dengan sisa-sisa ayam goreng di gigi karena buru-buru tadi habis makan pecel ayam di ibu pojokan, lail mengatakan bahwasannya (daritadi udah kayak pak RT aja kebanyakan bahwasannya) kami meringis ceria karena isu-isunya kuliah KGD dibatalkan.
Kami akhirnya mengambil korelasi dengan kejadian tadi..... jangan-jagan karena masih emosional jadi beliau tidak bisa mengajar “apa ya mut isi amplop coklat itu” “iya vin kayaknya penting banget deh”
Akhirnya kami mengambil hipotesis mengenai isi amplop itu.... ahhh jangan-jangan.... itu..... isinyaaaa....
SURAT CINTA BUAT ISTRINYA bahwasannya... semalammmm telah...
“istriku terimakasih karena semalam engkau telah memberikan....”
“....memberikan apaan mut”
“apaan ya vin”
“segelas kopi luwakkkk!!!!” HUAAAAAAAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA: ketawa sampe guling-gulingan
“terimakasih karena engkau telah membuatkan kopi luwak dari hasil sangraianmu sendiri”
“dan engkau telah menunggui luwak-luwak itu mengeluarkan kopinya” huahahahaahaaaa~gilak
“tidak sia-sia perjuanganku menangkap luwak-luwak tersebut sampai jatuh bangun”
“kopimuuu..... sungguh nikmat”
“muaaacccchhhh... with love”
“NB: tapi sayang.... cuci tangannya yang bersih tanganmu bau.. hmmm.. e’e luwak” begitulah.. mungkin karena surat itu sangat privat makanya beliau tidak ingin surat tersebut hilang dan diketahui orang lain..
HUAHAHHAHAHAHaaaaHUAhahahHUHUHAHAHUHUAAAAAAA~ bener-bener ga bisa berhenti ketawa. Semua orang yang ngeliat pasti mikir kita aneh - -“.
Tapi ini Cuma fiktif kok....(iyalah!). dosen tersebut tidak bisa mengajar bahwasannya karena menguji mahasiswa S2.
Sekian... eh sebentar lagi kita UTS KGD nih.. semangat ya kawan-kawan. Semoga kita dapat A ^_^
Selasa, 22 Maret 2011
Senin, 21 Maret 2011
Welcome hey the last semester ^_^
Horreeeeeeeeeeyyyy.... finally this is the last semester, officially i still have one year left for profession stage, an internship in hospital but still being supervised by the lecturers ofcourse. I am glad finally this year i will on the Balairung UI for graduation celebration ^_^
It was, i thought will be so difficult to finish this... but yeah time goes by...
One thing that now still rush in my mind is the proffesion fee, Faculty of nursing university of Indonesia, last published that the fee will be Rp. 14.500.000!!! how come it is increased one hundred percent compared by last year fee
See this!! See... how come i tell my parent that the fee is this much?
anyway, they who know me, i always look cheerful, well i know sometimes i emotional. It is my coping to face the day that may be seems difficult. Allah, i know you already guide me to be here and follow this way. I believe you will help me. ^_^
for you who read my blog, may be you have many problem, may be you think harder than mine, Money, love, school, family, everything has it owns problems right? this is life...
if you worry too much about tomorrow..it sounds difficult..just wait until tomorrow get here..please.. and all be fine. I know sometimes things get hard when you trying..but..dont think about life..just follow it..
just keep your chin up..have fun and enjoy life..
It was, i thought will be so difficult to finish this... but yeah time goes by...
One thing that now still rush in my mind is the proffesion fee, Faculty of nursing university of Indonesia, last published that the fee will be Rp. 14.500.000!!! how come it is increased one hundred percent compared by last year fee
See this!! See... how come i tell my parent that the fee is this much?
anyway, they who know me, i always look cheerful, well i know sometimes i emotional. It is my coping to face the day that may be seems difficult. Allah, i know you already guide me to be here and follow this way. I believe you will help me. ^_^
for you who read my blog, may be you have many problem, may be you think harder than mine, Money, love, school, family, everything has it owns problems right? this is life...
if you worry too much about tomorrow..it sounds difficult..just wait until tomorrow get here..please.. and all be fine. I know sometimes things get hard when you trying..but..dont think about life..just follow it..
just keep your chin up..have fun and enjoy life..